About Derby City Concrete

Derby City Concrete delivers concrete results on time and on budget. Since 2003, Derby City Concrete has worked hundreds of commercial and residential installations. We also tear out old work, and replace it with new. We build basements, garages, driveways, pool surrounds, and many other types of projects. Derby City Concrete creates colored and textured concrete, and has the people and equipment to produce the look and feel you desire. Whether you are a contractor, a home owner, or a business owner, you can count on Derby City Concrete to build infrastructure that gets noticed by your neighbors and customers.

You can count on Derby City Concrete to build infrastructure that gets noticed by your neighbors and customers.

Our Goals

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  • Concrete seems simple when you look around, but actually there is both science and art involved. Knowledge through experience enables us to give you the best outcome. We have successfully completed hundreds of commercial and residential concrete projects in the greater Louisville area.
  • Our goal is to produce the results you imagined when the project was just a compelling thought.

Our Partners

Our projects have ranged from residential to commercial; we’re happy to serve clients in the Kentuckiana regions. Here are a few of our past projects.

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